As I’ve mentioned before, I am shit–scared of spiders. Too
many legs, too many eyes, too much ability to crawl into my mouth while I’m
sleeping. But no matter how scared I am, I take it upon myself to never, ever,
EVER knowingly kill them or cause them pain (mainly because I fear that their
families will hunt me down and all crawl into my mouth at once). Same thing
goes for sharks. Sharks are pretty scary. Heaps of teeth, realllllllly small
eyes, a freaky two-note theme song. Can’t say I’d want to snuggle up to one in
the ocean. However, just like I don’t believe in spider-killing, I think that
this shark-culling business in Western Australia is absolute bullshit.
It is heartbreakingly sad that families have lost loved ones
to shark attacks. It is an unfathomable experience, beyond my imagination. I hope
it can be prevented from ever happening again. However, I don’t think killing
the sharks off one by one is the answer. Firstly, because of my spider theory –
if the sharks ever gang up to get revenge, we are all fucked. We can kiss a
relaxing dip in the sea goodbye. A shiver* of sharks will await in the
shallows, ready to snip the toes off any human who dares set foot in the water,
settling the score for their brother-in-law Bob who was culled a few months
back. Okay, my imagination may be running away a little. Secondly, it won’t
necessarily make a difference. Hawaii tried it in the 1960’s and 1970’s. These programs were expensive, culled 4,668
sharks and yet failed to produce measurable decreases in shark bite incidents. (Cheers,
SBS. Interesting article that will give you the facts from both sides.)
Thirdly, it’s just not fair. We are killing the sharks for being sharks. Now, I
would like to be a better human by being a vegan, but I’m not. I eat meat,
despite the fact I like animals. But I still don’t like the nonsensical
culling. Sharks who mung on humans are just being sharks. It sucks for the
humans involved, but the shark was hanging out in its' home waters and
following its' instincts. Occasionally, dogs follow their animal instincts and
hurt kids. Magpies follow their instincts and peck your fucking eyes out.
Spiders follow their instincts and crawl into my mouth**. If we kill animals for
being animals, it’s going to be a pretty miserable planet. So I think this
should be the rule: We can kill sharks when they start acting like shitty humans.
Circumstances in which it is okay to kill a shark.
(Illustrations by the fabulous Philippa Spicer)
1. If a shark is following you late at night, in a
dark alley.
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(And you should probably check if he has sinister intentions first. He might just be making friends.) |
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(Though he might just want to be the big spoon.) |
3. If a shark is a pyromaniac and starts a bushfire
that destroys thousands of homes and lives.
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(Humans who do this deserve to be culled.) |
If a shark cuts you off in traffic.
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(You may kill him... or just honk loudly, drive past and give him the 'look'.) |
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(And even then, maybe just write an angry letter and then get on with your life.) |
Circumstances in which it is not okay to kill a shark:
When he is in the shark ocean, being a shark and
doing sharky things.
Shark being shark. |
I think we should just leave them the fuck alone. Especially
you, Colin Barnett. I’d be careful if I were you. They say the intelligence of
sharks is evolving. When they figure out how to walk on land, it’s not my
window they’re going to be climbing through.
Just sayin’. You better listen out for that two-tone theme
song. Good fucking luck.
*How gangster is that collective noun?
**This doesn't happen as often as I am making it sound... I hope.
By Lucy Gransbury. Follow her on Twitter @LucyGransbury. Or follow her in real life. She is probably hi-fiving a shark.